medical marijuana

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Are there any out there that live in a state in which they can get marijuana prescribed to them for Epilepsy? If so, do you actually believe or know that it is helping suppress seizure activity?
Also please give the pros and cons, if any?
Before I get much feedback, I want to tell you all my story with marijuana and how it affects me. About 6 years ago after trying every anti-convulsant drug on the market (with no success) I tried some self medicating and have not had a gran mal until this past week. The ironic part is that I hadn't smoked any in 2 days and had the gran mal in the night after the 2nd day.
Is it that it helps control the seizures when taking just as the Dilantin supposedly does? Or is it my body was needing the drug and going through some type of DT'S?
My experience as a child was that I never had a seizure when I'd smoked but the next day the chances of having one were more than double & they were usually very strong seizures.

I've since learned that the most likely reason is because marijuana slows the firing of neurons to help stop seizures. When stopping, the neurons need to re-adjust to normal firing speed & it's because they're not firing at a consistent speed that misfiring (seizing) is more likely.
When you say the next day, did you mean that you didn't do some that day of the seizure? Like with you, this seizure was very strong and has affected me more so than others, both mentally and phsically.
If the marijuana/Dilantin cocktail is helping, I will continue to take the chance of being arrested, but since marijuana is illegal, it is not always available. Therefore my dilemma, unless I have an unlimited supply (which will never happen) and run out (which I did) increasing the risk of seizure, what should I do? Also, should I tell my neurologist that I have been self-medicating myself?
Yes, I meant the next day when I didn't smoke anything.

If it is not always available I would recommend not using it since it only means your body will get used to it & you will have a much stronger seizure again when you run out.

Personally I would tell your neurologist that you've been using it. The more they know the better they can deal with your situation. As far as I know, they are not allowed to tell anyone.
I told my neurologist everything...... and that ass wrote it down and reported it to the disability hearing. I am not sure I will ever trust these white coats again.
If that's the case with Matchu, I would check your state laws & the policies of the local College of Physicians & Surgeons.
That's what I am afraid of. Since last week's seizure and after I sent a letter to my State Representative pleading for him to push for our State to pass a medical marijuana law, today I received a letter from the State questioning my disability and they now need more medical info. Could be a coincedence, may just be part of the process? Have you ever heard of a seizure being a good thing? Maybe this one was, we'll see.
If it is not always available I would recommend not using it since it only means your body will get used to it & you will have a much stronger seizure again when you run out.

Do you think the same thing happens if you discontinue meds? Would your seizure threshold be lower, or the seizures stronger, than it was initially, before the meds?
Do you think the same thing happens if you discontinue meds? Would your seizure threshold be lower, or the seizures stronger, than it was initially, before the meds?

I've always wondered about that myself. I know I had always had partial seizures & never had a T/C until I tried to ween myself off of my meds at 18. Even though the meds never controlled my partials, I did wonder if they might have caused me to have that convulsion.

Also, a long time ago on this site I remember someone (RobnN I think) mentioning someone who was misdiagnosed as epileptic but had developed seizures from being on the meds for so long.

Of course everyone is different so it's good to know what might happen but remember that it is not a rule. For that matter there are no rules regarding how we might react to any treatment.
If I was in a legal state I would ditch this lamictal and use mj as my med. It has fewer side affects and is almost 100% natural, depending on how it was grown.

matchu- that is horrible!!
My Doctor all but told me I should try it. I'am not willing to brake the law.
If I was in a legal state I would ditch this lamictal and use mj as my med. It has fewer side affects and is almost 100% natural, depending on how it was grown.

matchu- that is horrible!!

I am afraid the manufacturers of medicines have there boot on the throats of who can make this happen. Imagine us growing our own medicine... they can't have thatl
Right on Matchu. I read an article written by an MD (don't remember the name or website) and he said that marijuana, although effective, may be dangerous. and that what we need to do is figure out how it works and create a drug to mimic it!!!!!

That says it all - if there's no money in it for the pharmacy industry, it can't be any good.
from what i have read the only side effects of mj is society. PUT THAT IN THE PIPE AND SMOKE IT.
Actually the 1 thing to be aware of is that marijuana has 3 times the amount of tar as tobacco on average & that increases with potency.

If you are truly using it for health purposes, it might be an idea to keep that fact in mind & maybe eat it more than you smoke it.

from what i have read the only side effects of mj is society. PUT THAT IN THE PIPE AND SMOKE IT.

Aren't getting high and bronchitis side-effects?
Yes, not to be a killjoy, but:

Long-term side effects:
-- Chronic cough with phlegm
-- Chronic bronchitis
-- Lousy lung tissue (because you inhale tons more carbon monoxide and tar than tobacco smokers do).
-- High blood pressure and increased heart rate
-- Problems with attention, memory, and learning. (Research on marijuana use among young people shows lower achievement than among non-users.)
-- Reproductive issues: Men have lower sperm counts. Mothers can pass THC, to their children through breast milk. Additionally, some children of women who use marijuana have low birth weight.
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