Happy Birthday Crazy Monkey!

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Wishing you a Happy Birthday, Crazy Monkey! I hope you enjoy your day!
Sincerely, Josie
:bday2: :cake:
Have a great Birthday!!!

How old did you say?? 21?? OK, I will believe anything. :roflmao:
Happy Birthday -- Much Joy -- Many Happy returns :)
be blessed
be happy
be healthy
be full of laughter
be e free!!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to crazy-monkey, happy birthday to you - and many more!!!

Big hug from all!!
Heeey, Happy B'Day CM.....

.....I take it you're still putting ALL the candles in the cake ? (haha) :roflmao:
Hey You.... Have a really happy day.
I hope it is one of the best EVER!

I want to see a picture of all the candles.

I hope you have a wonderful day. Enjoy!

Just being silly ....

(under influence of Tequila)

Happy birthday to you
Hoppy birfbay due buee
Fubby mirffay beer Nonbee
( ::: THUD :::: )


After all "they say"

One Tequila
Foo Meekeyta
Free Weemeeka


Thanx everyone

Huff Puff Wheeze, phroah, phew blowing all of my candles out was hard work this year. - weird thing, it seems to get harder every year.

I have been totally spoilt by my family today, they bought me nearly all of my Amazon wishlist, yippeeeeee.
HaPpY BiRtHdAy CrAzY MoNkEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup...I'm still 21 too. I can skip that fire extinguisher for the cake!
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