[News] Marijuana

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i use smoke it years ago it just made me chill out so i thought i try it again last year it was the most horrible feeling my e was worse felt sick parnoid and i wondered if it clashed with e meds...
if it helps others then should be allowed but for me made it worse..i really wish goverments use sense for many people it helps..would't mind if i had high but i did't;(
What bothers me about the marijuana legality debate is that it is no different than alcohol. In fact, alcohol is more dangerous. Problem is that it's too easy to grow for personal use, and can't be regulated. Who would bother with sales tax or income tax when you can grow as much as you want and sell it just as easily?
What bothers me about the marijuana legality debate is that it is no different than alcohol. In fact, alcohol is more dangerous. Problem is that it's too easy to grow for personal use, and can't be regulated. Who would bother with sales tax or income tax when you can grow as much as you want and sell it just as easily?

you can make your own alcohol too

gardening is not easy
it's tricky to make your own booze too
and both take a lot of time and patience

how about we just outlaw the >sale< of alcohol, but maintain legalization of the >possession< of alcohol?
make your own alcohol - no problem!

all Joe Blow has to do next TGIF is buy some yeast, sugar,... wait several months and he can have a cup of mead!

even if people want to grow their own they'll still contribute to sales taxes by buying supplies
there are "head shops" around here that sell gardening supplies... in all likelihood not overwhelmingly for growing star fruit indoors

besides - look at the larger picture, anyone growing their own, even if not paying sales tax on it is reducing the tax strain by reducing the need for law enforcement by reducing the flow of drugs across the Mexico border, reducing the strain on the legal system

the problem is that the legal system has a hard time reducing the flow of getting themselves involved with too much of everyone's lives in unnecessary ways

legalization is much better economically and much better for the justice system

I bet Colorado and Washing just assured themselves more electoral votes in the coming elections
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Petero, you've got it all wrong!

Mead is made with honey not sugar. ;) :D
(internet sarcasm and yes I realize honey is a type of sugar and that fact craps all over my funny comment)

Here's another fact, I believe it wasn't until the mid 90's it became legal to make your own alcohol. Before that time, home brewers were technically breaking the law. Like alcohol, pot is here to stay and similar to prohibition, fighting it isnt going to make it go away.
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I recall reading in a recent chapter of one of my textbooks that THC can act as a ligand that binds to and activates a receptor, called the CB1 receptor, in the brain. It's the same receptor that binds anandamide, an endocannbinoid, a class of molecules that, partly at least, serve to protect the brain under excessive neuronal activity from toxicity. I'm not sure this implies that it helps control seizures, but one would assume it dampens the long term effects of having seizures. +1 for the smokers, I suppose :p
I've done a lot of drugs and for me alcohol is a def no no 28 years drink free seizure bound for sure, ecstasy speed and coke cause sleep problems and can cause seizures sometimes I was lucky but if the gig was worth it I did them but gave them up 5 years ago. I use weed everyday 24/7 and a self confessed stoner for life, my choice and not recommended but I don't seizure with weed in fact I've been nicotine free for 6 weeks so weeds my only vice.
I've had 2 sleeps seizures in 5 years I only take sleeps seizures unless I drink then its anytime any place, the 2 I took were through lack of sleep and forgetting my 400mg but now I'm 52 I know my body takes them heavier now it used to take a day to get over one now its a week.

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there this thing you can buy in shops in uk that somarlians use alot but forgot hat it called they say it helps and kara is another
When i was smoking marijuana it would help my appetite, help me sleep, help my nerves and i had less to no seizures, it just made me feel better in general. I have epilepsy,bi-polar, auras, anxiety, depression and manic depression, bad muscle spasms, hep c, rh- blood, i could keep going n going....point is a couple hits would help me alot. Its not like smoking blunt after blunt after blunt. It's just a couple of hits and it would help so much. Please dont judge me on the hep c even though there is a cure for it now, the way i got it wasnt drugs, so plz dont judge me on it. Thank you
I wont judge ya I got some sort of hep dunno which as a baby due too the water coming out the taps!! as the council wouldn't change piping and was that corrupted and the place was in extremely bad repair
Marijuana has done nothing but help the heavy side effects of my medications. I get contradictory opinions from different doctors all the time, which doesn't help and makes it harder for me to be honest about it. I've been researching for years the negative effects marijuana has on the brain, which only seems to be short term memory loss, but that's only when you're high. How many deaths per year are caused by marijuana? ZERO
Yet alcohol and cigarettes are legal. There is no proof that marijuana is even a physically addictive drug. The medulla oblongata contains no cannabinoid receptors, meaning mass amounts can not kill you. I just wish more people would be open to the fact that it could aid all the negative side effects caused by seizures and epilepsy medications.
I've smoked marijuana on and off for about 12 years. From my personal e prurience marijuana has helped in more ways than I can count. If you watched me you would think I was a full blown pot head because I smoke every hour but I only take one to two hits. I don't like being stoned so I keep at a happy middle. Now I don't know yet just how much marijuana is helping my epilepsy but I know it's helping things that could worsen my epilepsy like my sleeping and eating and stress levels. My doctors are conflicted. My psych won't give me Ativan because I smoke marijuana, so I quit for 9 months and she still refused to give me Ativan because I used to smoke. My neuro sees no issue with my smoking.
I have noticed though certain types of marijuana, if I smoke too much, it seems like my simple partials get worse but... If the government would allow legit studies they would be able to know which components are possibly harmful and would be able to take it out, heck they might be doing that now idk but my state is far from legalization, but they just put decriminalization to a vote, didn't happen but at least it's been brought up

I saw this show on CNN and IMO, what is good about this ^ is that Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon, is one who has changed his mind about cannabis.

It is astonishing how this little girl was having so many seizures a day before starting marijuana, and now after starting this treatment, she is down to 1 a day. She is no longer catatonic from the drugs and now she is back to learning like her twin sister. AMAZING!!
Maryk posted this just last week..

I was so happy to hear about that little girl. :)

Big pharma failed her, but look how much she's helped by cannibis. This speaks volumes!
Just read about this in the paper over here in Scotland tonight,i think it's the best news ever.Just need to get the anti-cannibis campaigners to step back for a minute and perhaps read this story,and LISTEN!!!
I saw this show on CNN and IMO, what is good about this ^ is that Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon, is one who has changed his mind about cannabis.

It is astonishing how this little girl was having so many seizures a day before starting marijuana, and now after starting this treatment, she is down to 1 a day. She is no longer catatonic from the drugs and now she is back to learning like her twin sister. AMAZING!!

I'd like to see the research, if any exists, on why the particular ingredients in the type used in Colorado made such remarkable difference. Someone should be looking into exactly why this helps so much, what is affected in the brain, and see if it yields to better treatments for other types of epilepsy as well.

With all due respects, I wonder if you're not quite convinced that marijuana helped this little girl and need more proof?

Medical marijuana is starting to finally be taken seriously. I'm an advocate so I'm pleased to hear its gaining more exposure. There's been proof of it helping so many with different ailments, disorders, disease, chronic pain, the list goes on and on. :( Big Pharma doesn't like it, though. I wonder why?

FYI, the type the little girl uses doesn't contain the chemical that makes people "high". She doesn't feel any negative effects. Most adults enjoy the chemical that does have it, and that's fine too. I'm an occasional recreational user and enjoy its effects.

The only thing that girl feels, is what it feels like to feel better.

But just like epilepsy meds, marijuana is not for everyone. People should use caution until you know how you react to it.

You misunderstand me. I totally believe that it helped the girl and I am a supporter of legalization and further investigation into medical uses across a wide variety of medical problems.

I was just trying to say that, since this obviously helped so much, it should be investigated further to determine exactly what chemical actions were taking place that made it so effective and perhaps it could be expanded upon to help others with other types of seizure disorders.
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