anyone else immune to pain pills?

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I found out about 2 months ago I was immune to pain pain pills.

It doesn't matter even if I take Ibuprofen it still doesn't work for me.

The only thing that works is a gel for my arthritis .I can only use it so much bech it stops working.
Belinda, you might look into curcumin. My neuro recommended that I double the dose I was taking and the nerve pain in my leg went away. When I attributed it to the Lamictial she actually said she thought it had more to do with the curcumin. I have been able to go back to the gym and am slowly building back up my use of the treadmill, 3.5 miles at a 2-5% incline.

My neuro is from India and practices a little bit of eastern medicine in addition to the traditional western medicine.
I won't say I have immunity to pain meds but it takes major dosages of prescription pain killers to rid me of my headaches. Stay in contact with your neurologist. I have also been told it is likely stress levels and Lamictal.
I don't know that I'm immune to them but I haven't found any that ever work.

I had back problems for years and I was given all sorts of pain pills, over the counter and prescription. But none of them did a thing. I wound up having surgery to end the pain.

I also have horrible headaches after my seizures, I even went to a dr who specializes with them. I know I've been given at least 4 different meds to help with them. But again none of them helped at all.

I did talk to someone about this, I don't remember if it was a medical person or a friend. They said that sometimes even if you are prescribed 50mg to take (for example) it may not be enough for you because the meds you are on for epilepsy could be interacting acting with the pain meds and not making them work as they should. They said to try taking 100mg (for example) and see what that does. I've never tried it though.

Glad to know I'm not the only one like this when it comes to pain meds.
It sucks having chronic migraines on top of medications that can actually cause headaches. Just stay in contact with your doc. I won't up my dosage on anything other than the usual pain killers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Last migraine pain killer I was given was actually an inhaler into the nose. It actually helped a bit on the pain but the side effects were almost as bad as the headaches.
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