Headache relief from two tennis balls and a sock

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Traction: In some cases, your therapist may have found out that you get good relief with neck traction. That can be good news. There are a number of traction units that can be used at home. Some of these work by giving a traction pull as water is added to a bag. Others work by pumping air pressure into a neck cushion. A simple way to do traction at home is to place two tennis balls in a sock. Lay down with the sock sideways just below the back of your head. The two tennis balls will give a gentle traction, and the pressure of the balls can help relieve headaches, neck pain, and upper back discomfort.


We had a chiropractor recommend this to us once. It doesn't cost much either. Our chiropractor recommended laying on the tennis balls for ten minutes a day.
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o.k. I'm off to get to tennis balls and a sock. I willing to try anything. I live with a headache 24/7, thanks to my meds. The headache used to be only in my left temple, since my VNS the headache runs down my face into my jaw, neck and back.
Thanks for the info.
Let us know how it works out for you! The chiropractor who recommended this technique to Stacy once said it is basically a form of cranial sacral therapy.
I am going to give this a try today also.
Thanks Bernard for sharing your info.

I am in an online discussion in another group about Chiropractors. They say they want proof, yet their only proof is an episode of SciAm Frontiers that is strongly against Chiropractic medicine.
There is a wide range of 'geekdom' in this forum, and they consider themselves skeptics. But arguing and not doing proper research is stubborn idiocy. Does anybody have links that show any side of the argument.
As of right now, my only reference is experience. It has been positive. I am aware that there are people who do not like chiropractic, but these guys are expecting proof, even though I told them that I knew that I would not be able to change their minds. Any advice?
Thank you for posting this. Actually, I can't thank you enough. I have a traction machine my insurance paid for that I hang on a door.. however I have HORRID anxiety and it uses weights, and I know this is going to make me sound like a nut, but I really just cannot stand having the thing around my neck and hung to a door, I'm scared some freak accident (which is probably impossible - I know) will happen.

Anyway, I haven't been using it as I am supposed to. I get greater occipital nerve blocks and recently got some that use radio frequency that are supposed to last six months, and I haven't had much trouble with my headaches since.

But anyway, I do have neck pain, and I am supposed to be using the traction.. and don't, so this sounds like a great and easy alternative, and I cannot wait to try it!! Thanks again.
Tennis Balls too big, Golf Balls too small .. Found something perfect!


I tried it.

1) Either I'm in need of smaller tennis balls


2) I need a bigger neck

It was NOT comfortable! However, my son
who had a headache (sinus), said it worked
for him (but of course, he's bigger and has
a bigger neck than I do).

Then he tells me I need golf balls.

So I tried golf balls ... Ummm - those were
a little too small and too hard.

Hmmm ...


Those are smaller than Tennis Balls.

So gave those a shot, fit me perfectly,
but by that time, my headache was gone!

(stay tuned when I get another headache)

Check the pet stores, they have small tennis balls. Little dogs like them too!

After re-reading the instructions in the first post, I want to clarify - you should lay down on your back and the sock/balls should be sideways so that the two balls are propping up your head. They should be situated roughly in line (under) your ears.
That acutally makes sense - good post Bernard. :clap:

It's times like this I wish I had a headache so I can give it a try. :lol:

When you have a headache,
instructions doesn't make sense,
not even manuals!

Ever try reading those with a headache?


When you have a headache,
instructions doesn't make sense,
not even manuals!

Ever try reading those with a headache?

Yeah, take 2 and keep away from children....it's the dang kids who CAUSED the headache in the first place! :roflmao:
Despite their funny name, I swear by the Miracle Balls for everything from headaches, neck and shoulder pain to sciatica. My chiropractor recommended them. For a headache you just use one and put it under your neck at the base of your skull. It promotes blood flow thrugh the suboccipital muscles. For me the relief is almost instant.

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Miracle-Ball-Method-Relieve-Included/dp/0761128689/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1198600241&sr=8-1"]Amazon.com: The Miracle Ball Method: Relieve Your Pain, Reshape Your Body, Reduce Your Stress [2 Miracle Balls Included] (0019628128683): Elaine Petrone: Books@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51PmSr1KhhL.@@AMEPARAM@@51PmSr1KhhL[/ame]
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Bernard, you said that it works on the upper back. Does it work on the lower back, too?

I am going to try it for my headaches, anyway. Where I live, stores are closing down about 1 a week. I will try WalMart.
I had

Forgotten about this. I think I am going to add this to my daily routine, as I have had a massive headache for the past three weeks.
Welcome sonalex00, this is a great place. You will enjoy it here. Especially with topics with this one.

I was having problems with lower back pain. I was on codeine for it. My doctor took me off of it because the ER said "No" to her several times. I decided to get off of all asprin, Naprozen and Ibuforon. I had heard before that if you want a headache take an asprin. I quit taking all of them. Guess what, no more headache and no more lower backache.

I am not kidding!! It really worked. Maybe it was pschycological but it worked!!
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