marijuana use with epilepsy

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... i read thru must of the articles and posts and threads on this site but i have a few questions i still couldnt find answers to. so has anyone out there been able to attain a license or medical id or whatever kind of identification to use marijuana for their epilepsy? cuz i was thinking.. dont those going thru kemo (again possible misspelling) use marijuana to combat the side effect and also people with terminal illness? not that im saying epilepsy is AS bad as either of those for me. im just saying... i have had enough seizures since i stopped smoking marijuana to think that maybe... there WAS something in the "pot" that was helping control my epilepsy..
I would imagine that you would need to get a prescription from your doctor that was valid in a state (California) that sanctions medical marijuana.
if your in canada, try googling RussLBarth. on youtube. He has a medicle mariyana licnse for fibro, so he might be able to help you out. all I know is that the process is long and hard if the doctor didnt sugest it to you themselfes.

as for chemo patients, I think that they use it meor for paina dn symtpms of the disroeder instread of teh chemo side efects
My understanding is that, in California at least, just about anyone can get a prescription if they really want one. You don't even need to [ame=]stick your privates in the microwave[/ame].
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