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The Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado is now supporting this new policy and statement and call to improve access to medical marijuana for folks living with E.
Here in Colorado, some children are seeing encouraging results with the use CBD oil. We believe patients EVERYWHERE should have the right to avail themselves of the same opportunities with the support of their physicians. There will be more information coming soon about how you can get involved in this important national effort.
I'm actually surprised how few replies are made in regard to CBD oil or special breeds of marijuana low in THC (that gets you high) and high in CBD (that relaxes you). Has anyone actually attempted to self-medicate themselves and found beneficial results? CBD oil is perfectly legal and available online now. Since marijuana is so controversial, are there any OTHER plants on the face of this planet that are high in CBDs. Or are there pharmaceutical CBDs which could be prescribed with insurance coverage?
The big news in US is MJ now is becoming legal - with the provision that it be low in THC and high in CBD for medical purposes. Since there is research and anecdotes about that lowering seizures for some people, I'm surprised it's not a "hot" topic on this forum. I sort of get the feeling the majority of people on this forum are a bit skeptical, and since their drugs are working, they stick to that.

The United Kingdom seem to have a more open mind about it, it doesn't have the controversy it does in the US since MJ is connected with the "underground", it's a political thing. Even though alcohol and tobacco have far more adverse effects, MJ has been associated with "bad" drugs.

My own condition is relatively mild compared with the majority here. I tend to get a grand mal every couple of months or so, though if it gets me in public, it can have some nasty consequences. I'm not even sure I could be defined as "epileptic" in the usual way compared with people who have them every day. I sort of wonder if it's actually psychiatric.

Anyway, it should be interesting to see where this is going. I can't help but wonder if all the hype about "medical marijuana" is a loophole pot smokers are using to get MJ legal. But it's worth looking into. The government usually has a puritanical notion that if something is fun and feels good, it must be made illegal or tightly controlled - as if such drugs were to be made legal, society would fall apart. Legal or illegal, people will do them anyway. There's probably some people who like the stigma of "illegal" as a form of rebellion.
Check out the link, it's got some good personal experience in it as well as data..

I'm hoping these new meds based on CBD and their more powerful synthetics may 1 day actually be legal over here- though I wont hold my breath lol
I just did and it looks highly (pun?) exciting. It sounds like it is actually the Sativa extract but much more potent. I'm going to mention to my MD next week, she is open minded. I just shelled out 99$ for an experimental trial with CBD oil pills with 25mg/pill, 30 of them, figure I'll take one a day, see what happens. I've actually tried some of the low dose oil, find a half dropper in my morning coffee makes me a bit more mellow at the outset of the day. I noticed a review in a business magazine that CBD oil is being investigated as a drug with high-profit potential. If the top corporations are interested in it, they'll find a way to pay off FDA and buy off key politicians, that's the way it is in the US.
Haha yeah I'm sure they will if there's cash involved. The way the US seems to be controlled by lobbyists scares the crap out of me sometimes... more worrying is that it's becoming exactly the same over here as well :(
CBD oils and tinctures were being sold in the 'coffee shops' in Amsterdam when I first started going in the early 90s. I think then was the big explosion of interest in it- all the main vendors were producing their own CBD strains alongside their genetically enhanced THC skunk.

The main problem I think non-users have with CBD oils/tinctures is that it can be hard to regulate dosage or even know what's in it, so now the idea that big pharma is interested in producing regulated meds- legal and approved- is much more attractive to the wider population.

I did experiment producing my own CBD strains a decade ago- but it never seemed to have any affect on my seizures though. It was interesting to produce those strains instead of new THC ones all the time though lol
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I actually wouldn't mind some THC to give it a bit of a boost, but that "super-bud" stuff tends to send me off into a panic attack for a while, then I come down into a nice spacey mellow state. I suspect the latter is the CBD. They are entirely different in effect. It would probably go well with cocoa or coffee. The online CBD market is probably not much different from buying in the streets, lot of wild bogus claims. I take a good look at reviews, on another webpage apart from the dealer.
that "super-bud" stuff tends to send me off into a panic attack for a while

That's exactly why I stopped smoking skunk :(

I do occasionally partake of some good old Thai stick- but these days that's more than strong enough for me. I keep a little bit of CBD-rich Nepalese squidgy around and a bit of oil, as I seem to have a bad habit of breaking ribs during my t-c's and I've had trouble with opiates in the past so it makes a good alternative pain-reliever.

You're right about the online market- we definitely need regulation.
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I think people on this site are all for more research into marijuana and how it can be applied to seizures.

There have been several posts on that subject in the Library section I believe.

I know I'm for it!
All in all, it appears CBD helps some people, but not others. It could be the usual commercial products are so weak in dose, that of course it does nothing. I don't know how much they gave Charlotte, the kid who had a miracle cure, but I'm sure it was a lot more than the usual measly doses of a few milligrams.

There are some better than usual deals on Ebay. Search Cannabidol or CBD oil. I've found one that sells 1 gram for $30, and 5 grams for $115, made by Omega Labs. Cibolex and Dew Drops are a complete rip off, they sell 100mg for $40, and 500mg for $160. CBD made from flowers is more potent than that made with stems and leaves. I found one on Amazon that sells 1500 mg for 99$ in the form of 25 mg per capsule x 30 made from flowers. The one on Ebay above is far more reasonable for average person. Unfortunately, I can't give you the web addresses, but enough information to search for it.

You could actually find better prices on the streets! Another way to get around it is find seeds and grow it yourself. You can get them online, seeds for the medical sativa, low on THC, high on CBD. Grow in your own personal hothouse indoors, tell people it's houseplants. We have to take the law in our own hands to get around this. Don't get paranoid, cops aren't going around busting MJ smokers the way they used to - now that it's becoming legal in state by state.

Maybe it they get to $100 ounce (28 grams) people will be more likely to try it out, and be in doses that actually have an effect!
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Saw it. It was Awesome. Down with the DEA and FDA!

It showed Dr. Sanjay Gupta speaking with Dr. Orrin Devinsky, the epilepsy specialist from NYU. He is starting his research, but the FDA is trying to stop it.

The Epilepsy Foundation calls for an end to Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) restrictions that limit clinical trials and research into medical marijuana for epilepsy. We applaud recent decisions that have allowed clinical trials of Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, to begin in several states. Certain components of medical marijuana, including CBD, have shown effectiveness in animal studies, and there have been encouraging anecdotal reports from patients. But further research and unbiased clinical trials are needed to establish whether and in what forms medical marijuana is or is not effective and safe. Restrictions on the use of medical marijuana continue to stand in the way of this research.

The Epilepsy Foundation believes that an end to seizures should not be determined by one’s zip code. Our current situation as an epilepsy community is not acceptable. Families looking to access medical marijuana as a treatment are facing terrible decisions. One parent may move across the country to live with a child to seek this treatment. Other families may uproot entirely, including leaving their job, to move where they can access CBD oil. In the past, when therapies not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were available abroad and left only to those who could afford to travel, we fought for compassionate access. We are here to continue the fight.
You know what will happen though. They will sterilize the CBD down to such a certain level then start mixing it with other chemicals till they can get it into pill form and then it prolly wont even be as effective anymore cause all the side effects from the other chemicals to make it a proper AED will mess everything up. Did you see the part where he was talking with the doctor and asked him why when people tried to completely separate the CBD from the THC it was way less effective? And the doctor didn't have a good answer for it? Also another big thing that stands in the way is big Pharma not wanting to compete their sometimes life threatening side effect laden drugs with an organic drug provided naturally by God. What they will try to do is patent the CDB in some small form and then begin genetically modifying it just enough to keep their patents and boom. Then the prices will skyrocket. What I would like to do it go to CO and get a few seeds of that Charlotte's web and grow a few plants in my home for my own personal use and bypass the whole system.
Sorry to disappoint you but that Hemp Oil is made from seeds, the oil is very good for natural immunity and nerves cells, but it's not the same thing. I tried that initially, but it's a different product. I'm sure we'll be seeing the CBD oil in health stores right with all those other herbal tinctures. Speaking of which, who knows, maybe one of those herbs is packed with CBD. Actually, all leafy plants have small amounts of CBDs. And our bodies manufacture "endocannibidols", so maybe there's some kind of diet, combination of vitamins that can stimulate that. I heard somewhere those kind are stimulating by sex, holding, and breast feeding. So maybe we could milk our moms (joke). Or maybe certain species milk would have it.
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