Hello everyone! I'm new to all of this and can use some support & guidance. I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm 32 years old. I have 2 children. I have a history of anxiety that started in college. Right after my daughter was born I was walking up the steps in my house and had this overwhelming sense of deja vu. It's like I caught a glimpse of a t.v show in my head that was familiar to me but I couldn't place it. I had tingling throughout my body, smelled something unpleasant (again familiar but couldn't place it) and afterwards felt nauseous. Because I had nothing else to compare it to I thought it was anxiety related. Fast forward 4 years and I am still having them. They only last about 30 sec to a minute. I will have 3 of them in a weeks time and then nothing for a month or longer (I never recorded them b/c I thought they were anxiety related). I'm now pregnant with my 3rd child and had 4 episodes 2 weeks ago. I decided to write down all my symptoms to talk to my Dr. about it. I never brought it up before b/c I felt crazy saying "deja vu". I did an Internet search for anxiety with deja vu and it came up with a forum and a lady was describing her simple partial seizures that were misdiagnosed as anxiety and depression. I did a search for simple partial seizures and almost fainted when I seen all my symptoms matched. I made an appt. with a neurologist and she confirmed that she thinks I am also having them. I go for an EEG next week and she said I am not allowed to drive until we get them under control. I'm a stay at home mom in a rural area. I am having trouble getting my children to school, getting myself to all my dr. appts. (My husband works long hours). I am very scared and feeling a little lost. Any advice on meds, how long until I can drive again, what tests I can expect, if simple partial seizures always get worse or can they stay the same? Anything would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.