Possible causes of epilepsy and/or migraines

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I'm relieved to have come across this in a Google search tonight. For the past 2-3 months I have been experiencing migraine auras with occipital and temporal symptoms. My visual symptoms include the segmented, worm-like formations that resemble eye floaters and visual snow with the temporal symptoms including jamais vu, derealization, depersonalization and slight aphasia from time to time. The world and my family and friends just seem strange and distant to me. I also have vivid dreams every night and tinnitus occasionally.

The thing with my auras though is that they're persistent. I experience these symptoms 24/7 and it's become pretty unnerving. I'm extremely lucky that my dad is a neurologist, so I've had every test imaginable to determine what's going on.

Hi CPD. :) Welcome to CWE.

This is just a shot in the dark, but...

Have you had a Smart Meter(s) installed on your property? Obama pledged to have around 40 million installed across America by 2015. Source They've already saturated my area. I do have TLE with positive EEG(s), but I rarely got migraines until after moving into a new apartment. What makes me feel certain about this is that the migraines didn't start until after they were installed. I went to management and asked when they had been installed. It was indeed around the time I started having these symptoms. They have installed 8 meters on my side of the building, but there are about 200 individual units here. Now, as if that isn't enough evidence, what are the odds of management losing their hair too? She started having symptoms around the same time I did. She went to see the doctor and he could not find a cause for her bald spots, said it was alopecia and gave her cortisone shots, which didn't work. The assistant manager is in her late 20's. There is a Smart meter adjacent to her outside office wall. I'm in the process of documenting everything so I can get a medical release to move, otherwise I have to pay a hefty penalty for breaking my lease. I'm not even guaranteed that I'll be able to get out of my lease, because the complex is owned by a corporation, and corporations have been given the same 'human rights' as people.

In 1886, after a series of cases brought by lawyers representing the expanding railroad interests, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations were "persons" and entitled to the same rights granted to people under the Bill of Rights. Since this ruling, America has lost the legal structures that allowed for people to control corporate behavior. Source


I started losing my hair, and have had tinnitus ever since they've been installed. I didn't put two and two together until I ran into some research while trying to figure out why I was having an increase in seizure activity. I went down stairs, and sure enough, newly installed Smart meters. To test my hypothesis, as a process of elimination, I did an experiment and stood in front of those meters for about 5 minutes. I had a strong migraine within 3 hours followed by waves of depression that lasted for several days. I seriously doubt it was suggestive or psychosomatic, and the countless documentation online can't be ignored. The utility company in my area have no plans to remove these meters anytime soon. It's been mandated by the president.

“I Want to Die” — One Woman Realizes Her ‘Smart’ Meter is to Blame for Debilitating Migraines


Great new article by Jen Pleasants on Salon published Friday about her struggle with migraines, and eventual realization that her (not so) smart meter was to blame. Her solution in the face of her utility’s refusal to remove here meter- installed a faraday cage to block the radiation. If utilities refuse to remove smart meters that are causing health problems, this is just one recourse that people have. She says:

“Do we really want to wait until we have ‘dead proof’ before we start taking EMFs seriously?! I am going with my gut as far as EMFs are concerned and so are thousands of other concerned citizens. Something is not right. I felt it firsthand.

What I want to know is why are we not studying this more!?! As our world becomes more and more technologically advanced and we have more and more devices emitting EMFs our health is potentially being put at risk. We need answers.”

and this, but there are so many more. Just Google.

The following comments about how the new wireless utility Smart Meters have affected people’s health were sent to the EMF Safety Network, or publicly posted. If you are having health problems related to the installation of smart meters please FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE CPUC (California Public Utilities Company)

One example:

On Dec. 31st, 2010, approx. 22 smart meters were installed in our building. They are directly under our apartment. On Jan. 26, 2011, my husband, while sleeping, suffered a tonic clonic seizure. All tests came out ok. But he is now on seizure medication. However, I notice that his hands twitch at night when he is asleep. Then more slowly, I began to feel a buzz in my feet that went up my legs and then twitching developed. Never in my life have I had this sensation. While I am away and at work during the day, it goes away and I don’t have these symptoms. Also while in our apartment, especially the bedroom, I get ringing in my ears which I never before have had here. I used to be able to completely relax in my bedroom but now always feel like I’m laying in an electric magnetic field.

EMF Safety

Please watch - ALERT turn volume way way down.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<obj...ays" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

That's just one Smart meter. Imagine what multiple meters are doing. I also have to mention that at my place, the air condition units are also along that same wall, below the meters. They have shrubs/bushes in front of the units for camouflage, to make the property look nicer. The shrubs are dying.

Welcome to America. :noevil:
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Note: The OP was originally posted as a single post in another 'migraine' related thread. However, I was notified by moderation that it was transferred to a new thread so that it might get more exposure and feedback. Thank you. :)

I do not want to cause anyone alarm. This is simply about raising awareness. I don't push the panic button when I learn of new technology, as I understand that there could be other causes that may be attributing to my increase seizure/migraine activity. However, after extensive research and some experimentation, I came to the conclusion that because I already have a low electrical threshold, it is highly possible that my new symptoms stem from this new technology. I never had aching TL's until this technology was installed, and I've had TLE since I was 4.

Please do your own research and process of elimination. Do not take my word for it.

Thanks again.
What can you do?

If you already have a transmitting meter and it is causing you health problems, please file a complaint with both the agencies listed below:

Food and Drug Administration - The FDA regulates electronic consumer products that emit radiation (such as microwave ovens and video monitors and cellphones). You can file a complaint through the Medwatch Program or by calling 1-800-FDA-1088. The same program that regulates medical devices, regulates consumer products that emit radiation.

Consumer Product Safety Commission - The Consumer Product Safety Commission is responsible for taking dangerous products off the market. You can file a complaint with the Consumer Product Safety Commission at 1-800-638-2772 or https://www.cpsc.gov/cgibin/incident.aspx.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<obj...ays" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

More Smart Meter technology to be installed nationwide:

ABC News Channel 7

SF water district installs smart water meters

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) August 05, 2011 -- There has been plenty of protest surrounding PG&E's new SmartMeters. Some claim the meters cause overbilling, others worry about radiation exposure. However, few realize people there is another utility quietly installing its own version of SmartMeters.

It has remained under the radar so far, but the San Francisco Water Department is now replacing old water meters with new wireless models. Earlier, 7 On Your Side reported the installations have caused dozens of water pipes to burst and homeowners may be responsible to pay for any damage. Now, many are realizing these new water meters are similar to PG&E's controversial SmartMeters and soon, every home in San Francisco will have one.Source
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