Temporal lobectomy is the removal of a portion of the temporal lobe of the brain. It is the most common type of epilepsy surgery and is also the most successful type: After surgery, 60% to 70% of patients are free of seizures that impair consciousness or cause abnormal movements. Some of these patients still experience auras, sensations (odors, for instance) without an outside source.
20% to 25% of patients still have some complex partial or tonic-clonic seizures but the number of seizures is reduced by more than 85%.
10% to 15% of patients have no worthwhile improvement.
Therefore, more than 85% of patients who have had a temporal lobectomy enjoy a great improvement in seizure control. Most patients need to continue taking seizure medicines, but they usually need less. About 25% of the patients who become seizure-free eventually can stop taking their seizure medicines.
Topic Editor: Howard L. Weiner, M.D.