Starting CBD Oil

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Hi Folks,

Today I started the CBD oil it's a peppermint spray and I have to spray it two times in my mouth once a day. I am hoping this will reduce if not possibly stop my seizures but only time will tell. My Epileptologist wanted me to give it a try since I've tried so many seizure meds but nothing has stopped the seizures. I will admit it does make me a little sleepy very quick but I am sure I will get used to that. If any of you are interested in trying this check out the following website you can by all different kinds everything for seizures, body aches, and headaches. Here's wishing all of you well and May God Bless You!

Hemp oil is not the same as CBD oil. Make sure you are in fact getting true CBD oil if this is what you and your doctor decided on. If you haven't already, do some research to make sure you know the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil so you know you are purchasing the one (ie. hemp oil or CBD oil) your doctor suggested so you are getting your money's worth.
Hi masterjen,
Thank you for the info. I am using the CBD oil as my Dr. suggested. The group that I bought it from has a 100% guarantee money if it doesn't work. They sell both hemp seed and cbd oil. Thanks again and May God Bless You!

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!!!!!!!hope it works!!!!!!!

Hope this works better than some have in the past! :cheers:

Hi Folks,

I've been told to try the cbd oil for 2 weeks and see what happens. The one thing that concerns me is that it makes me very tired and I've been told that being really tired can trigger a seizure for me. Time will tell. I must say thought the peppermint is very strong and tastes good. Thanks for your support and friendship. May God Bless You!

Hi Carpentergirl,

I decided to cut back and squirt the spray only once instead of twice because it made me feel really tired with 2 squirts of the cbd oil. I can notice a big difference in just one squirt I don't feel tired but I'm very relaxed. Thanks for your support I really appreciate it.
May God Bless You,

i can see why you would cut back....just what we need...something else to make us tired on top of everything are days where im ready for bed by 730...I really do struggle with it sometimes...
Please keep us updated as to how you do. I tried the CBD Oil from Hemp plants and it helped for a while but then my seizures started increasing. I purchased mine from another company so that could have been one of my problems. Another problem with me is, medications will work fine sometimes until they build up in me and then I get side effects, etc. Because of this, I started off slow. I started out just using it once a day instead of twice as it recommended and then decreased it to every other day but by then, it was too late. I had to stop because I was having more seizures that would make me fall than I did before I started. It wasn't worth having broken bones, etc. over. I'm not trying to discourage you and I hope I haven't. I think anything is worth a try if it will help our seizures and I hope it helps you! If it does, I would be willing to try the one your using. Good luck!
Hi KathyJJ,
I'm sorry that the CBD oil didn't help you get better control of your seizures I appreciate you for sharing your information about the CBD oil. I have read that sometimes CBD can increase a persons seizures but what I'm concerned about now is how it can lower the blood platlet level on a person sometimes and I had that problem yrs. ago when I was taking Depakene and I sure don't want to be in the same mess again. Here's wishing you well and Thanks again for sharing your experience with me. May God Bless You!

I in luxenberge last week I saw shop called amnesia curiosity I went had a look my goodness what a lot different oils had in there I told bloke me problems he said had right thing for me but me mate refused let me get it ..Loved tried
Hi seagull,
I'm sorry your mate wouldn't let your try the oil. I must say I haven't had any problems and I have found that the oil also helps my back pain. If you go into this shop again get some oils that have a lavender or vanilla scent that you can sit in your home these a 2 scents that have helped me especially in the winter months when all of the windows are closed. Now go get some hot tea and enjoy! I wish you only the best and May God Bless You!

It's great that your doc was open to you trying the cbd oil. I asked my neuro about treating epilepsy with hemp oil or cbd oil (not for myself, just out of general curiosity) and he showed zero interest.
I asked my neuro about treating epilepsy with hemp oil or cbd oil (not for myself, just out of general curiosity) and he showed zero interest.

I must admit I'm in the camp of "show me more scientific evidence it works" but having said that I cannot use cbd oil anyway even if I was interested (long story and not relevant here) but I often wonder if the docs who close their minds to cbd oil also are the same ones who:
(a) do not keep up with the medical literature that shows benefit from anything but the standard list of anti-seizure medications, and
(b) do not consider the benefit of involving other professionals and/or going beyond the standard battery of MRI, EEG and blood tests.
Just an addition to my post above, since upon rereading it I realize that I accidently deleted the last sentence:

What prompted me to say this is that I was discussing things with my mom and we were both wondering where I'd be (likely no where) if I was still with my initial neurologist rather than who I am with now. It's nice to luck out sometimes :)
Hi masterjen,

According to my neurosurgeon in another 5 yrs, he felt that there would be know problem for a person to be put on medical marijuana. I know they already have it out in the pill form but that's for people who have eating disorders. Here's wishing you well and May God Bless You!

I don't mind if my neuro is conservative about recommending anything that hasn't been rigorously-tested. But I wish he'd at least be intellectually curious about alternatives, and open to talking about the treatment field in general -- where it's going, what he's excited about, what kinds of studies (such as the connection between auto-immune disorders and epilepsy) may bear fruit in the future.

As Masterjen, says, he may not keep up with the literature, or feel as if he has the time to do so. I'm lucky that I don't need for him to be "covering all the bases", but others aren't as fortunate.
Hi masterjen,

According to my neurosurgeon in another 5 yrs, he felt that there would be know problem for a person to be put on medical marijuana. I know they already have it out in the pill form but that's for people who have eating disorders. Here's wishing you well and May God Bless You!


Porkette: I am responding on the basis of giving further information not out of anger. As I said I cannot use CBD oil (or any other form of marijuana) even if I was interested and this is due to other complicated neurological conditions. And, no offense intended toward your neurosurgeon, but without considering some less common conditions that are out there I think it is a bit of a leap for him to say that in 5 years there would be no problem for a person to be put on medical mj. Granted, he (and you) might be just thinking specifically of those people who clearly have epilepsy as there only medical condition in which case he may be correct that the long sought research proving the efficacy of CBD.
I'm not sure if this comment is very relevant to the thread, but I thought I would make the point anyway.

While there are essential oils that might contain CBD, there are other ways to ingest it. Case in point, I have been smoking an ecig now for about 9 months. I have come into contact with ecig fluid that has CBD oil in it. Peronsally, I think that this method of getting some CBD into your system would be more effective than using essential oil. I haven't tried CBD oil myself long-term to know if it would help me or not.
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