Once again, states rights have taken a blow from the Supreme Court. Although ten states now have medical marijuana laws on the books, the Supreme Court has ruled that the federal law outlawing pot takes precedence and, if you are smoking pot with your doctor's consent, you are subject to arrest. The Court said that, if the federal law changes, then the state laws will be allowed. I never did register with the state and am I ever glad that I didn't. One of my neighbors (who has MS) is registered and is terrified that the state list of those with permission to grow their own pot to smoke are going to be the first people the feds arrest. So we are legally able to take stronger, addictive, expensive prescription drugs which don't work for everyone and which cause horrendous side effects but pot is bad. Did it ever occur to these morons that all that this does is make the drug companies and drug dealers richer? I have always believed that pot should be legalized and taxed like cigarettes and alcohol. It would put the drug dealers out of business - make alot of money for the government - and save alot of tax money through the ridiculous prosecution of people who aren't hurting anybody. I know alot of people (including myself) who have been able to ward off an oncoming seizure with pot. I've known people who were dying of cancer and who were only able to deal with the side effects of chemo by smoking pot. My neighbor's pain is unbearable unless she smokes pot. Guess that we're all bad people and outlaws until Congress changes the law and that isn't going to happen while Bush is in the White House.