weird question

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Does anyone ever hear, CONSTANTLY, a high-pitched sound? So high-pitched that others don't hear it? Or am I just LOSING MY MIND? :roflmao::pfft::dontknow: I hear it right now, and no one else does, and they're looking at me like I'm nuts. Although, I AM getting another migraine (SNOW's coming in).

It's not weird..

Mine wasn't constant but when it started, it would be with me for days. It was always in one ear (the right) the pitch was unreal it would come and go. What I learned was it was an aura of what was to come. Have you had any seizures that coincided with when the pitch starts to how long it lasts to when it ends?
Nope, no auras, no seizures, just the high pitched sound. It seems to only be in the right ear....It's driving me BATTY
It may just be an aura, don't argue with it! As long as it ends, and no seizure becomes of it; you are blessed! Maybe others will reply that have had similiar situations..
*SIGH* If THIS is an aura, I can live with it.......but geesh. I wish I knew how to describe it better.
Where it happened to me the most is before it would start lightning. I work on a golf course and my ear would start to ring and then I would hear the sirens that everyone had to come off the course. My staff and I had a joke that I would work for the Electric Company in my next job.

Just don't go climbing all over those transformers! You might turn into a lightning rod! Hehehe.:roflmao::bigsmile:
I'll laugh now, I was actually tranformed from the 110-220 conversion in Spain and was nailed!! Maybe that's why my ears are ringing now. My brother-in-law threw me across the room because I couldn't let go of the transfsfomer??? Weird, but nonetheless, all is well.
Hey Robin.......

Thanks for the reminder about magnesium and tinnitus......I already take 1000 mg of it tho, a day. It's the maximum, but I'm using it to also limit the amount of muscle relaxants that I have to take....and I've been taking a B-complex vitamin for a couple of months now......Between the ep, the hypothyroid, the fibromyalgia, and a few other choice issues, I'm trying to limit the number of actual pharmaceuticals that I take....
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Yes! My daughter who has e has complained of that very thing. We have always blamed it on some malfunctioning electronic device!
I do...mine is not constant though. Mine isn't any kind of aura either. I heard somewhere that it might be a sign also of anxiety/stress...I might have to re-look that up though...:ponder: I don't really believe that though...
I'll get back to you on that one...
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Just wanted to check Meetz. Other than that I have no clue.
TLE - Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

It's TLE (Temporal Lobe Epilepsy)

Temporal Lobe Epilepsy from eMed

* Somatosensory and special sensory phenomena

o Olfactory and gustatory illusions and hallucinations may occur. Acharya et al found that olfactory auras are associated more commonly with temporal lobe tumors than with other causes of TLE.

o Auditory hallucinations consist of a buzzing sound, a voice or voices, or muffling of ambient sounds. This type of aura is more common with neocortical TLE than with other types of TLE.

o Patients may report distortions of shape, size, and distance of objects.

o These visual illusions are unlike the visual hallucinations associated with occipital lobe seizure in that no formed elementary visual image is noted, such as the visual image of a face that may be seen with seizures arising from the fusiform or the inferior temporal gyrus.

o Things may appear shrunken (micropsia) or larger (macropsia) than usual.

o Tilting of structures has been reported. Vertigo has been described with seizures in the posterior superior temporal gyrus.

It's a lot more common than you realize; I
have posted multiple times in reference to
being sensitive to certain hertz and frequencies.
I have heard sounds that were high pitched
and even when I was deaf. It is very strange
and downright OBNOXIOUS!

1) There is NO volume control
2) You cannot turn it off
3) You cannot unplug it
4) It does not come with batteries

When I was younger I used to tell my parents
I could hear the weird distorted sound, and they
blamed it on my bands (I wore bands) that was
picking up the AM Radio reception!


Well ......... after the bands were removed, I
was still hearing it, and they blamed it on my
hearing aid, but the problem was; I wasn't
wearing it. Then they told me it was all in my

Are you kidding me? Just what I need..........ANOTHER form of ep. *SIGH* I suppose that's what they were finding on the EEG last time......Now I'm just IRRITATED. But thanks, Brain. I DO appreciate it. I really, really do.

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Are you kidding me? Just what I need..........ANOTHER form of ep. *SIGH* I suppose that's what they were finding on the EEG last time......Now I'm just IRRITATED. But thanks, Brain. I DO appreciate it. I really, really do.



TLE isn't a form of Epilepsy, it's where it
originates FROM; just like FLE, MTLE, ETLE,
etc... or want of better words - as
some says it - a "location of Epilepsy".

You can have Complex Partial & Simple Partial
Epilepsy that originates FROM TLE.

Or you can have the same above that originates
FROM FLE (Frontal Lobe Epilepsy), another

It's just an area, or section, or a part, or
want of better words - the location of your
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Try the Magnesium...inexpensive...and quick!.....

It solved my right-ear 'tinnitus' symptoms in a day or two! Over the counter Mg 250mg twice/day...but depends on what works for you of course!

Good Luck!
Thanks, Brain!

You know, I actually know that.......I just didn't remember it at the time. I've been thinking ALL NIGHT about what the neuro said about the last couple seems like he said there were FRONTAL spikes.....URG. How annoying.

The weird thing is, EVERY EEG in my LIFE had been clean until the last 2. But, the docs knew I had it, cuz the nurses had seen me have a t/c in the hospital after the 2 surgeries I had as a kid. So, they've never been able to figure out where mine really come from........:ponder::pfft:


TLE isn't a form of Epilepsy, it's where it
originates FROM; just like FLE, MTLE, ETLE,
etc... or want of better words - as
some says it - a "location of Epilepsy".

You can have Complex Partial & Simple Partial
Epilepsy that originates FROM TLE.

Or you can have the same above that originates
FROM FLE (Frontal Lobe Epilepsy), another

It's just an area, or section, or a part, or
want of better words - the location of your
Thanks, Speber! I already take it.......1000 mg a try to combat muscle issues to help with the fibro...and avoid taking the muscle relaxants if I can......the fewer pharmaceuticals I put in me, the better! :-)
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