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Yuck! No I hate coconut!


Hates being on the phone with tech support!
I don't remember trying them. I've had chocolate covered Brazil nuts, though. Yum! That was years ago. I remember having it when I went to the cinema because there was a Pick 'n' Mix there.

Oh now you've got me craving honey roasted cashew nuts! Aw, yum! :D

TPBM has tried honey roasted cashew nuts.
Why yes, I do. I just finished having a little bowl of pecans which I chose over the almonds. You sure you don't have a webcam in my place, Bigman?

TPBM loves fresh figs
Don't think I've ever had them so I don't know.


Is really itchy and thinks they might have poison ivy!
No, but I do have mosquito bites

(I've got a fig tree in the yard. Didn't know what they were til I tried them They are so yummy.)

TPBM reads an actual paper newspaper
Only if there's one around and that's hardly ever. I usually get all my news on the TV.


Could write programs in DOS. Lets see how many people know what that is....
I could write a program in Pascal at one time. Hows that for antique?

TPBM is tired of the election already and just wants it to be over.
I'm not American so I don't know much about the election other than the Republican debate stuff with Donald Trump. I watch a show called The Last Leg and they have a segment called Top Trumps.

TPBM likes tomatoes.
You sure you don't have a webcam in my place, Bigman?

No, I'm not a George McFly. lol


Sure, all kinds red, yellow, orange, brown, etc.

TPBM - knows what a kumato is.
Yeah, that's that brown colored tomato. I remember those at Sprouts and Trader Joes. Those are tasty. I wish they had them here.

TPBM checks the hurricane forecast daily (best wishes to all our friends in Florida)
ding, ding, ding - kumatoes have a nice taste, not to sweet.

I check the weather, but only occasionally check for storms.

TPBM - has been in a major blackout (3-5 days+)
We had a blackout in SoCal a few years back that was about two days. Freaked everybody out. I was the only one of my friends who had a working phone. The kind attached to the wall.
Been in some in the wilds of Mexico (due to hurricanes) for a week or more and everybody did just fine. So far here on Molokai the worst has been a day but we have two hurricanes coming in back to back so we'll see.

TPBM knows how to make a frittata
No tricks here but I can write upside down and backwards.

Tpbm has suffered from eczema.
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