3 Years gone

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Tina will be gone 3 years on August 3rd. We will be releasing 3 balloons on this day for her.

We will

be thinking of you, and Tina, on the 3d of August, Laura.........

I was thinking about you and Tina just yesterday. I knew this date was coming up and was planning on getting a ballon to release. I will make sure to get three of them.

This will be for Tina and all the others lost to E.
Laura -- My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.
Thank you everyone for thinking of us on Tina's death anniversary. The neatest thing happened when we released the three ballons at the cemetary. As the ballons started rising, they stopped and then started circling together for a while. We just stood in awe and then they broke up and flew away.
Dear Laura,

I've missed your post because I was on vacation July 30th.
But I would like to let you know that your beautiful girl is in my thoughts.

On our Dutch parental forum supportgroup we do remember each of our butterfly kids on the date we've lost them with a special poem and a picture. That's what I'd like to do for you too.


The Butterfly

You had her there, resting on the palm of your hand for a while.
She was all you ever wanted.
Sometimes her wings were closed.

At other times, she spread her wings open in the bright sunshine,
displaying her colourful patterns.
You truly loved her.
She knew that.

You told her she was special and wonderful, you saw her beauty.
You appreciated her true colours.
But you couldn't keep her.
You knew that.

She was born to fly.

She had been beautiful in your hand, but in flight she soared.
In the garden amongst the colourful, sweet-fragranced flowers.
Her habitat.

In letting her go, you made her happy.
But she will always remember your warmth and your love.
Always and forever.
For all of eternity.
Thank you Dutchmom for the beautiful poem. I would like to print this off and frame it if that is ok with you.
I just realized that this is the same day my nephew left us. We have had 5 yrs without him. I am going to send this poem to my sister.

Thank you Dutchmom for the beautiful poem. I would like to print this off and frame it if that is ok with you.

Dear Laura,

Sure you can. I posted it for you, her dear mom, so you don't need my permission. It was not written by me but found by me, author unknown.
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