Chest pain after a seizure should i be concerned?

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Usually when I have more than one seizure in a day, i get chest pain. if I move around too much my chest burns and I get the shakes. Im not sure if that's a normal symptom after a seizure for anyone or if that's something to be concerned about?
Hi Cordero,

Getting the shakes isn't uncommon depending on the type of seizure a person has but you may want to call your
Dr. and let them know what's going on with the chest burn and pain because that could be possible heart problems.
Sometimes if a person has problems with their heart it can trigger seizures also. Call your Dr. today. I wish you only
the best of luck and May God Bless You!

Thank you for your response. I have Temporal Lobe seizures, My treatment for epilepsy is Responsive Neurostimulator, Vimpat, Keppra, and Omfi. Best of wishes to you to.
Burning chest pain can potentially be caused by a lot things, so as Sue says it's a good idea to get in touch with your doctor. It could be caused by cardiac issues, but also things like muscle strain, heartburn, or a panic attack. Make a note of when it happens, how long it lasts, and whether it gets worse if you are in certain positions or during physical activity -- that might help your doc figure out what's going on.
Try taking half a teaspoon of food quality Epsom Salts in a little orange juice and see what an amazing difference that makes. It has worked over the years for thousands of people .
Try taking half a teaspoon of food quality Epsom Salts in a little orange juice and see what an amazing difference that makes. It has worked over the years for thousands of people .

Really? Well it hasn't worked for me and thousands of others......
Please be careful of what you offer.
Go see the doctor and tell them about the chest pain and burning sensation.
Went to theUrgent Care doctor. They did an EKG and it looked normal. The doctor admitted she didn’t know a lot about epilepsy but recommended taking ibuprofen for burning chest pain. She also rsaid to follow-up with my neurologist. Thanks for everyone’s responses.
Epsom salts or magnesium sulphate what shit taste like but that phrase come to drys milk up from mum when stop feeding and or makes you crap like anything,not sure I want do that with out doctors advice.I CAN NOT SEE CONECTION maywell used it for thousands of years but they mostly died by 40
I have had that a few times after a bad seizure. My husband says I have trouble breathing sometimes and will suck some of the excess fluid I have coming out of my mouth into my lungs.
Epsom salts or magnesium sulphate what shit taste like but that phrase come to drys milk up from mum when stop feeding and or makes you crap like anything,not sure I want do that with out doctors advice.I CAN NOT SEE CONECTION maywell used it for thousands of years but they mostly died by 40
Seagull: You're taking the wrong type of magnesium. Go to and look into types of magnesium. There are 7 types and they are fully explained what they do and help.
Get it checked out if you haven't. One of my meds has caused serious heart Issues over the years. I have a distended aorta. And have had clots in my heart as well as a heart attack. Because of my age and general health. It has been hard to get any of it treated or even looked at some times
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