Flashing Lights Auras?

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Has anyone ever experienced flashing lights in an Aura? I don't mean like strobe light effects, I mean like you are in a lighted room and suddenly see the lights dim like they would if the power were being affected in a storm, only there is no storm?

Can this be after effects of an EEG? I think that's happened to me cause the lights look like they briefly dim but no one else sees it or maybe they just didn't notice. lol
It sounds like it could be a photosensitive reaction, especially if the lights in the room are fluorescents. They don't need to be obviously flashing in order to trigger a reaction.
I experience flashing lights in my peripheral vision that move to my entire left eye. This turns into a black blob for a minute or so. Then it goes away and other symptoms appear (nausea, uneasiness, etc)
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