[GARD, LGIT?, MA?, KD] Celeriac Roast "Potatoes"

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I knew nothing about Celeriac (also known as celery knave or knob celery) until running across the original Celeriac Roast "Potatoes" recipe on Matthew's Friends:
parboil the cubes of celeriac for 6ish minutes and then brown off in a pan of olive oil. I add a touch of salt.


According to the Paleo Diet newsletter from July, 2006 (.PDF):
Although glycemic index and load values for celeriac have not yet been determined, the amount of carbohydrate per 100 g (9.2 g) is similar to that for beets, Swedes and carrots. Consequently, it is likely that celeriac has a similar low glycemic load and presents no problems.
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