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I'm Bernard, the developer of this site and Stacy's husband.

I've been a vegetarian (~vegan) for 20 years now. I changed my diet when I was in high school, largely because my parents switched in an effort to avoid the necessity of surgery for my mother. I read a lot of books about diet, health and vegetarianism and decided to try it out. After 1 month, I comletely lost all desire for meats. It took about a year to lose the cravings for cheese. But I knew after a couple of months that this was the diet for me and the way I wanted to live my life. I felt great!

Unfortunately, having educated myself on vegetarianism, I completely lost all the desire I had to pursue a career in medicine. I just don't believe in the western drug-based care machine as a matter of course. Having experienced first-hand the powerful effect that food has on health, I fully understand just how sensitive the body is to the way we treat it.

Someone upstairs must be laughing at me though, because I'm now in the position of pushing my wife to take her medication while we continue to seek a more holistic, long term solution to her problem.

I look forward to chatting with you in the forum!
I do anything to get off of some of these drugs that I'm on. In the last few years I have become a lot more vitamin aware. I know that food does play a role in my seizures, but I can't quite figure out how. My seizures almost always happen right after I eat.
I'm way tired and need to go to bed, but I love your site
Hi Elisa, welcome to the forum! Thanks for the compliment on the site.

Are you keeping a log of what you are eating (every meal) as well as your seizure activity?
Dear Bernard,

my diet is some sort of mix - I am "nearly" vegetarian. I define my diet as "light food".

The reason I am "nearly" vegetarian is simple: meet mostly seems "boring" to me, I don't like it all that much. But I eat beef broth, "prosciutto" and seafood from time to time. Whenever I am ill, I can't eat virtually nothing. When I begin to recover, the first food I wish to eat is pure beef broth - and I need it badly. So, probably I won't become a vegetarian ;) Otherwise I prefer "vegeterian food", altough this expression seems a little bit strange to me, since it is not just vegeterians who eat food without the meet. ;)

I also noticed that I don't feel good after eating "classical" meet dishes, like steak (usually when I visit my parents). I have feeling that I need hours and hours to digest it. I really hate this feeling of fullness.
Hi Axa, sometimes, the body is smarter than the brain. It will tell you what you need, it's just up to the individual to listen and understand IMO.

Stacy has to eat a higher protien diet than I do according to her doctor. She and I do not eat the same diet all the time. I don't think there is a one size fits all diet.
Good Evening

I think, as somebody who works in medicine, that diet plays a huge role in an individuals health profile - certainly wish I'd realised that a few years ago, I could have saved myself a whole heap of trouble

I dont suffer from epilepsy but my son does, I have at times though manipulated his diet, to try and cut his seizures .... no such luck! They are still in the driving seat, not me

The only food related trigger I have pinned down is that if he doesnt eat properly, in terms of frequency, seizures will ensue

Hi Dianne, welcome to our forum!

Absolutely, you are what you digest. Some people put premium fuel & oil in their cars for peak performance and longevity. I prefer to apply the same principle to my body!
>Hi Axa, sometimes, the body is smarter than the brain. It will tell you what you need, it's just up to the individual to listen and understand IMO.

I agree - I am able to stand up in a moment and have such a need for something (let say the spinach), that I feel I will virtually "die" if I wont get it in a moment ...

So, I eat without some special plans or diets. It seems that it works. At 41 years and 176 cm height I weigh 62 kilograms which seems all right to me - without any diets or special thinking about food (OK, we have "good genes" in a family since we are all slender but strong).

food for thought

I believe that eating has a tremendous influence on the brain. I've noticed with my eating habits (and sometimes they ARE habits) that my body will tell me if I need more or less of something. I'm still learning to listen to my body and notice the signals I get. Sometimes I get strange things, like a ringing in my ears, or a headache. At which point I know my body is trying to tell me something. I try to write the symptoms down as often as possible, and try to remember the intensity and frequency of which they took place. "Good Luck" you say? Thanks. I'll need it.
Well, in my case it is much simpler. I nearly always feel well. I don't know what the headache is, let alone ringing in the ears, alergies etc. (strange in this age, isn't it?). It's just tremendous wish for some sort of food, and I want it so badly that I can't describe how strong this wish is. I just have to go to the market immediately and get it, as simple as that ;)

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