Myoclonic Jerks during the day?

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Has anyone ever had Myoclonic jerks during the day? I've had them off and on for awhile now. Sometimes it'll be my leg once or twice, one time it'll be my arm and sometimes my fingers. I know this happens in sleep but during the day, wide awake? Weird.
I get a twitch every now and again when I'm really tired and starting to zone out a little bit. I'd like to think that's all fairly normal stuff since it's not like the MJs that I would get just after waking up if my brain was in the mood that day.

Are yours really violent ones or are they just kinda regular twitches (Are we even able to have regular twitches anymore without it being something E related?)
Of course, it's been like this for me since the beginning although I'm different.

It doesn't just happen it's related to white florucent lights and video games,

also when I move too fast and think what to do next it could happen.

But again my case of JME is kindda special, depakote doesn't work on me as on most patients.

p.s=rarely it would involve the leg, mostly fingers and sometimes wrist, to the leg it happend very few times at which I moved my legs from side to side while sitting till the jerk.
I never know when it'll happen or when, mostly when I sit and lie down. Never used to happen in the day, just at night.
I have started to get them in my left arm. my surroundings feel "off" and my arm jerks. not sure if it's normal or if i'm stopping a seizure from happening
I get them all the time mine normally start in my ribs and goes up and down my arms n legs and sometimes even my face.
I've been getting finger/wrist twitches -especially when lying down. I also get small ones in my leg, but never thought much of it. Since I went on this board I've wondered if they are epilepsy related.

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I rarely get them during the day. If I do, it feels more like a leg muscle twitch that is unnoticeable to even my family.
I have them everyday, all day and am having a ton at 6 pm and mine effect my speech and are in my shoulders upper torso and arms can barely type in phone right now so you're not alone they suck
Ya I get them in my arms and legs, there was a period there that they were well controlled unfortunately my drugs aren't working anymore.

I get them during the day, and they feel like muscle twitches in my hands, legs and arms. A few times my arm or leg would move but not enough to make me drop anything...i have been taking lamictal for the past 10 years and my neurologist has now prescribed clobazam for me to take before bed.

Has anyone else taken this? Also, if I don't take the second medication, would you say that the jerks would get progressively worse?
When mine were really bad at night, I also would get them during the day, but only in my legs, and when my legs were in a relaxed position.
I don't know if I get them at night...I would get the occasional massive twitch as I'm falling asleep (where you are dreaming that you are falling off of something) but that is all I am aware of at night. The twitches are worse when I am tired or stressed out. I don't drink anymore, but if I have a glass of wine, then the next morning I notice that I have a few more twitches than usual. I hope that the Clobazam will help with that...hope!
Tell your doctor to forget clobazam( a second rate non-addictive benzo), and get a real benzo such as Klonopin or the European Piracetam.... these are the two ONLY two drugs that help myoclonus... I've done the research and lived the tale...

alternatively these are the BEST tips to help myoclonus you'll find:

1. ALWAYS get 8 hours of sleep a night... ANY kind of sleep deprivation provokes them.

2. Quit coffee or energy drinks and some soda: Caffeine is your worst enemy

3. Try not to get TOO into conversations or any activity you're doing... myoclonus happens when you're 'focused' on something and trying to concentrate by moving your body as your brain wants (talking when trying to speakpassionately, video games in a critical sequence, fine and precise movements like working on a car or uscrewing a lightbuld)... you have to disconnect from having a lot of control over your body in very 'fine' and 'precise' ways.... zone out more, think more generally, relax and try to keep your mind blank... if in a big jerking 'session' as I call them, quickly lie down or go away from whatever you're doing or whomever you're talking to and just try to think of nothing at all and breathe....
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my jerks aren't as clustered or in sessions...they're more random...I will experiment and see if they get worse when I'm concentrating on stuff (I tend to notice them when I'm not doing anything - when my body is in a relaxed state)...My doc didn't want to put me on anything too strong just yet as she doesn't believe that it is necessary quite yet. I guess I will see - people react to meds differently...
You are right about the sleeping though! They are definitely more noticeable if I don't get enough sleep! I've been trying to get to bed by 9:30 but there always seems to be something way more interesting than sleeping - such as the book I am currently reading!
The jerks have evolved lately.They seem to come on after a sudden painful twitch.It could be in the foot but soon after the jerks start usually arm jerks .I hardly get the sleeping unless Im unaware of themThey have gotten better but more unpredictable.As long as Im concentrating on something they dont get out of hand

I have them too, but they started after I started taking lamotrigine. It's usually in my left arm but can involve my other arm or my legs. Usually they surprise me and only happen throughput the day.
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