New Guy

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I don't have a "deaf accent"? Hm, hadn't noticed.
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Old married guy here, just looking to meet with others like me since I haven't been able to leave the estate on my own for years and am slowly losing my mind.
Actually rather quickly losing my BRAIN, but that's another story with which I won't bore you. Epilepsy is the main symptom besides total deafness and some other things.
Coping has been worse for the Wife I think than me, if I'm being honest, but there aren't any "therapists" around who will see deaf people so kind of alone on this.
Hoping that this will suffice as at least some manner of support since Social Media has been nothing but disappointing at best.
Thank you and nice to meet you.
Greetings Plasticmask. My feelings are with you and I do understand how you are feeling. I feel pretty certain you can find some good decent people here! Again, welcome.
Greetings Plasticmask. My feelings are with you and I do understand how you are feeling. I feel pretty certain you can find some good decent people here! Again, welcome.
Thank you, unpronounceable :). I would have written last night but I was on my way to bed, meds forcing me to just click "like" and shut down the network and stagger to the bedroom. I do, however, sincerely appreciate the welcome. Sincerely.
Hi Plasticmask,

Welcome to the forum! I understand where you are coming from I've never been able to drive in my life and my husband
has to take me back and forth to work and where ever I want or need to go.

I used to have up to 300 seizures a yr. then I went to an Epilepsy Center which you can find at a University hospital or
a really big hospital and I started seeing an Epileptologist which is a Dr. that specializes in epilepsy and that changed my
life for the better. I had brain surgery done to help reduce my seizures and my life has been a lot better.

Take my word you will find a lot of wonderful people here that can be very helpful. I wish you only the best
and May God Bless You and Your Family!

Thank you, I've felt nothing but welcome so far. Truly.
Hi New Guy,
I am New married lady who was just diagnosed at the age of 67 with epilepsy although after talking with my new doctor I have discovered that all those weird moments I remember as a young adult were seizures. In the past 6 months I have had more then ever, some causing me to fall. So, I am on Keppra and Celexa because the Keppra makes me so depressed, or maybe we are depressed because of the seizures. I joined this site to learn more information. I am glad you joined too!
Hi New Guy,
I am New married lady who was just diagnosed at the age of 67 with epilepsy although after talking with my new doctor I have discovered that all those weird moments I remember as a young adult were seizures. In the past 6 months I have had more then ever, some causing me to fall. So, I am on Keppra and Celexa because the Keppra makes me so depressed, or maybe we are depressed because of the seizures. I joined this site to learn more information. I am glad you joined too!
Welcome Ms. Peggy, I go by Plasticmask here since I've had so much of my skull and facial bones replaced over the years due to seizing and falling on furniture and -well, things. I destroyed an aquarium once, filled with prized pygmy seahorses (THAT broke my heart as well as most of the left side of my face, just shattered them... the heart and the face) just for instance.
I haven't been a member long but I truly feel that you're in the right place. These people are all VERY nice and just as helpful as they can be.
Again, welcome! :)
Welcome Ms. Peggy, I go by Plasticmask here since I've had so much of my skull and facial bones replaced over the years due to seizing and falling on furniture and -well, things. I destroyed an aquarium once, filled with prized pygmy seahorses (THAT broke my heart as well as most of the left side of my face, just shattered them... the heart and the face) just for instance.
I haven't been a member long but I truly feel that you're in the right place. These people are all VERY nice and just as helpful as they can be.
Again, welcome! :)
So sorry about your accidents.
That’s one reason why I try not to complain too much about my seizures because I’ve never hurt myself or lost my bladder as an adult.

The worse I have after a seizure is the post seizure migraines/ headaches which can last days.
I am so sorry to hear of your terrible falls and losses.
I agree with you that the people here are nice and very helpful. Being new to this condition and to this site I need all the help I can get.
Thank you for posting.

So sorry about your accidents.
That’s one reason why I try not to complain too much about my seizures because I’ve never hurt myself or lost my bladder as an adult.

The worse I have after a seizure is the post seizure migraines/ headaches which can last days.
Thank you, I was just explaining why my nick isn't "New Guy" that's all. :D
How does the saying go... if we all put our problems in a hat, passed the hat around and pulled out someone else's problems, then we'd end up wanting our original problems back? :)
Nobody can truly define "hell", Sir or Ma'am. NOBODY. :)
And I am willing to bet the Dog that I'm not the only one here who has told you that members venting is what we're supposed to be here to read?
You can CALL it complaining if you wish, obviously, but if you can't cut loose and let the pressure off SOMEPLACE, you will POP. That has been proven scientifically by people who have had to clean up after said proof was established (try not to picture that). :)
But it's true. To quote Craig Ferguson: I READ IT ON THE INTERNET SO IT MUST BE TRUE!!! LOL
Thank you, I was just explaining why my nick isn't "New Guy" that's all. :D
How does the saying go... if we all put our problems in a hat, passed the hat around and pulled out someone else's problems, then we'd end up wanting our original problems back? :)
Nobody can truly define "hell", Sir or Ma'am. NOBODY. :)
And I am willing to bet the Dog that I'm not the only one here who has told you that members venting is what we're supposed to be here to read?
You can CALL it complaining if you wish, obviously, but if you can't cut loose and let the pressure off SOMEPLACE, you will POP. That has been proven scientifically by people who have had to clean up after said proof was established (try not to picture that). :)
But it's true. To quote Craig Ferguson: I READ IT ON THE INTERNET SO IT MUST BE TRUE!!! LOL
There is a post somewhere on how we thought of our nicknames
I actually thought yours was to do with because we have to wear masks so often now due to the epidemic 🤷‍♀️

Mine is abbreviation to Confusion Queen because I’m easily confused, I added the :) because it had to be at less 3-4 letters.
There is a post somewhere on how we thought of our nicknames
I actually thought yours was to do with because we have to wear masks so often now due to the epidemic 🤷‍♀️

Mine is abbreviation to Confusion Queen because I’m easily confused, I added the :) because it had to be at less 3-4 letters.
I was thinking that people would assume that it had something to do with the shamdemic but nope, it's all about the face. :) And NOW I know to call you Ma'am. Thank you. :)
Hello & welcome to the forum.
I've had simple partials since childhood. They weren't diagnosed until I had some tonic clonics at the age of 14. Approximately 25 years ago, I began having complex partials, too. I have injured myself many times during them. They really are a pain, since I don't even know when they occur unless there is witness or I do something to myself.
... I destroyed an aquarium once, filled with prized pygmy seahorses ...

My wife has epilepsy, I don't. Over the years she has picked some odd things to ... "fight". She has fought door jambs, window sills and the open door of our dishwasher. She definitely lost the fight with the door jamb (fractured her two front teeth) and window sill (cut open the top of her scalp and bled profusely all over the floor like a scene from a horror movie). I would say the fight with the dishwasher was more or less a draw though. She didn't get injured other than a bad headache, but she bent the heck out of the door.
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